"This article was written originally in arabic, and below is an automated translation".
Peasants transmitted horrific myths about a cave that made frightening sounds, whenever someone entered it it was lost, telling their children the stories of the heroes who tried to storm it through different times, warning them of the ravages of its repetition and its uselessness. Throughout successive times, the people of that village became, and whenever one of them was lost or touched by a hate, they said that it was one of the “curses of the cave”, and they sought refuge from it and hoped his mercy and sympathy on them!
One day it happened that the water stopped flowing towards the water channels surrounding the village, so the people’s eyes turned towards the cave, claiming that it was the cause because of its effect on the water springs. Time passed and the farmers did not find what they reaped, so people said that the cave is the reason because of its influence on the soil And due to that, some epidemics began to spread in the village, so people said that the cave is the reason, because it is the one who breathes harmful air to them!
The village was forced to import water and fodder, and things began to turn for the worse by igniting discord among the peasants, which almost led to a grinding civil war, and instead of people trying to solve it or look to its causes, many attributed its cause to the superstitious ability of the cave to charm minds, and direct people to fight each other with the intention of harming them. Whenever he wants.
Finally, a rational man appeared, from a neighboring village, who heard about the problem and wanted to provide assistance. He decided to solve disputes by solving its causes, and by using a few of the advantages of the human mind and the hands of the villagers, he repaired water springs that he noticed clogged by the accumulated stones, which led to the flow of water towards crops. And the peasants began to reap the harvest, and of course the epidemics disappeared, and the people returned to their affection and shared their livelihood as they were, and that strange man was appointed leader of the village due to his wisdom and his ability to solve issues and spare the village to strife and conflicts, and when the cave did not find someone to help him and hope for his sympathy, he returned In the middle of it was a mass of punched stones powerless.
In our modern terminology, similar caves are often called the hanger, and on them they carry the signs of the sins committed, representing the axis of evil in any subject that would almost be good without it, they are hanger with different titles, available for use for all ages, of all sizes, shapes and colors for various political, economic, social, sports and even disciplines Household, served in individual molds or combined packages depending on request and crafting goals!
It is not always as bad as it seems, because many societies need the presence of hangers in their lives, in order to live and hold together, and continue to develop and improve, the existence of the hangers means there is a need that needs to be met, or an opportunity that can be exploited, or a moral or material benefit that can be obtained, and which undoubtedly has its owners And its benefactors!
And as it was said at the end of the village story that the clogging of the water springs was an act of an actor who wanted to revive his trade by supplying water and fodder to the village, exploiting the gullibility of the villagers and their glorification of superstitions, and he himself who, as soon as he achieved good sales, returned to the village claiming his ability to solve the problem, to install a leader with a fixed salary He is deducted from what the peasants earn monthly, to be enriched by the trouble of trade and the sins of tricks!
The problem is not that there are caves or hangers among us today, as they are many and almost countless. Rather, the problem is in some adopting the position of the poor villagers, and waiting for relief from a far away place, not the other way around!